Rachael & Keith
Mt. Baldy, CA – Engagement Session
Rachael and I first bonded over our mutual love for Fleetwood Mac and from that moment on I knew we would be friends. We actually found out we all were going to the same Fleetwood Mac cover band concert at the OC Fair the weekend after our session and we legit were texting each other throughout the concert obsessing over the songs. Gooooooood times.
ANWAY, the engagement session. Rachael is actually from Mt. Baldy, so she really wanted to shoot up there, which I was allll for because I LOVE Mt. Baldy. We took the ski lift up to the top and hung out a bit up there snapping some pics. Then we got some champagne and chatted for a little bit before heading down the mountain. The view down on the ski lift was seriously amazing. The sun was slowly moving down behind the mountains and the light in the valley was just magical. We snapped a selfie on the way down with me in the chair behind them and it’s just the funniest thing so you should just probably check it out to see for yourself.
When we got down the mountain, we popped a bottle of champagne, snapped a few pics, and called it a night. These two are seriously such a fun couple. We had a BLAST and it felt like we had been friends forever. Stoked for their wedding in November!
These tent cabins are my favorite thing about Mt. Baldy. I stayed in one last summer with my boyfriend and it was just the coolest thing. It definitely does not feel like you’re in Southern California when you’re up there!
The ski lift down was AMAZING! Check out that view DAYUMMM
The selfie HAHAHAHA their little heads in the corner kill me

Tooooo cute
Then the champagne popped a little early (*ahem* Keith shook it too much and it popped HAHA)
And that’s a wrap!
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