The Getty Center, Los Angeles, CA
Check out the rest of their proposal session!
Tanner and I had been scheming for the whole week about his plans to propose to his beautiful girlfriend Sam during the sunset at The Getty Center in Los Angeles, CA. He had been texting me throughout the day updating me on their location and a time frame they would arrive at the garden, which, by the way, has the most GORGEOUS view of the city. He had his co-business owner text him a super long message and told Sam there was some drama at the office so he could keep me updated on their status without Sam getting suspicious…GENIUS!
I waited for about 20 minutes for them to make their way down to the spot (I looked like a huge creeper nervously standing there by myself with a huge camera, I think people were actually concerned). They came down the stairs and went to the railing to take in the view. Sam said, “We should ask someone to take our picture!” to which Tanner replied, “I already got someone”. He kissed her, reached into his pocket, and got down on one knee, asking Sam to spend forever with him. Her hands flew to her face in complete surprise and TOTAL happiness as she said yes a million times over. I may or may not have choked back some tears watching it all unfold.
Fun fact: I edited out a bunch of people from this picture! I’ll put the original at the end of the post if you want to see what it looked like!
I snapped away, probably taking way too many photos, and went up to Sam to show her I was there and the moment was captured for her to remember forever. She had NO CLUE I was even there, which is awesome because I was scared she would recognize me and I would blow my cover with awkward stammering that sometimes happens when I get nervous (can anyone else relate? no, just me? oh…).

Sam kept saying “Oh my gosh, we’re engaged!”
The ring is SO beautiful! Tanner had asked Sam at some point what her ring size is, and somehow misheard and thought she said 2.5. Which, if you know anything about rings, is probably about the size of a doll’s finger. We still aren’t sure how the ring possibly fits Sam’s finger since the jeweler most likely had to GUESS her ring size. Must have been good luck on Tanner’s side that day!

The sunset was beautiful. Couldn’t have asked for a better way to end the night!
Check out the rest of their session here!

Here is the “before” of that photo!
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