
Cute pics &
Tips and Tricks

Y’allllll. Nat & Joe’s wedding at Pymm Ranch in Temecula was one for the books. Easily one of my favorite weddings I’ve been a part of just based off vibes alone. The photos being amazing is just the cherry on top. These two are so fun. They love each other, they love their families, they […]

Beautiful Wedding at Pymm Ranch in Temecula

Ashton Kutcher officiating PK & Mike's wedding; gay wedding in temecula at mount palomar winery

PK & Mike’s bold & colorful gay wedding at Mount Palomar Winery in Temecula was one of the most fun weddings I’ve been to. It was star-studded (any Mila Kunis & Ashton Kutcher fans here?!) and full of pride flags, surprise flash dances, and LOTS of champagne. PK & Mike are big in the gay […]

Bold & Colorful Wedding at Mount Palomar Winery in Temecula